Whenever I get a watermelon it is usually way to much for my husband and I to eat so I freeze some of it and make watermelon frosties with it. I usually only use watermelon with a touch of lime juice (cause I ❤️ lime). To make it I simply blend some cut and seeded watermelon chunks in the blender and turn it into...
Edgewood Tahoe ResortEvery year at the end of winter/ start of spring I block out a week to research top resorts for inspiration of how to make my own home feel more lux. I find it's easy to get caught up in the busy day to day and not notice things in our homes that need attention (like maybe your towels are getting...
My typical work at home day: our cat sleeping on my lap I recently was talking to a friend about our recent change of lifestyle with the current pandemic. Like many of you she is working at home until.... Who knows when. She asked if I had any advice on the transition, since this is my lifestyle. I figured I might as well...
I try to always have easy healthy snacks on hand so I'm not tempted to eat bad stuff. This month I plan to share with you my favorites. First up is my recent favorite I like to call Brushetta Bites. ...
Image and recipe via Katom Lately I have been trying to reduce the amount of red meat (beef and pork) I have, because it's likely not healthy . ...
Image via Harvard Health In my last post I talked about how last year I tried to regain the weight loss magic I had years ago, however life got in the way and now I'm trying again a yr later. This is the first of my monthly updates I plan to do at the start of every month until I reach my goal...
Hello everyone. I figured I should post since it's been a long time. With New Years we are flooded with reminders to get healthy, which of course has me thinking about my goals last year of losing weight and gaining muscle and more importantly living a little healthier. ...
I just learned how to cold brew coffee and now I'm wondering why it's taken me so long to try it. It's so easy to make and tastes so much better! I got the idea to try to cold brew my coffee while reading Trader Joe's fearless flyer for cold brew coffee bags. The article talked about how when coffee is brewed at...
Years ago I use to buy avacados on sale and freeze them, only to find them months later in my freezer brown with freezer burn. Whoops in an effort to save money I spent time and precious freezer space and actually lost money. Of course I threw them away and vowed to only eat avacados fresh from now on .......until recently. ...
My weight today: a great ex. of how unacurate the scale can be, just a few hrs before I was 2 lbs less About 5 years ago I knew it was time to focus on losing weight when I started to not fit into my clothes anymore. I am not overweight, but I just want to stay at a healthy weight for me....
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