June Week 4 Garden Update

By JULIE - 12:48:00 PM

Garden A
I have been teaching sewing for kids at a day camp and was not able to play in the garden last week, only to have a ton of weeding structures still to put up and overgrown tomatoes in need of support.  It's been a lot of work this week but I think I'm finally caught up.

Strawberries: We would have had a small harvest if the squirrels hadn't got to it first.  Plans to protect our strawberries are under way, (wire boarder fence with bird netting on top?).  We got like 80% of ours from a neighbor's grandson.  I believe it is June bearing, the ones we purchased are everbearing and just starting to flower and start strawberries now, so hopefully we can still save tihat crop.  The strawberries we got from our neighbor were diseased but after transplanting them into better soil, they were in clay soil before, they have cleared up on their own, yea!  I weeded and moved the runners to where I want it. 
Raspberries: Just starting to have a handfull a day harvest

Corn, Popcorn, kale, basil, asparagus, and cilantro
Garden A:
I had to replant our beans and soybeans, because they didn't come up the first time, but second time is the charm! We caged in the squares with beans and peas, and broccoli to protect against bunnies.  We've lost some in the past that way.  Our peas are starting to come up, broccoli and asparagus is doing well, turnip is starting to come up and needs to be thinned, brussel sprouts starting?  too soon to say, it could be a weed, corn and popcorn is doing well, kale, and our purple basil and cilantro came up from seed, and cucumbers seem to be doing well too.

Garden B:
tomatoes, Swiss chard, lettuce
Our tomatoes were going crazy so we put up our supports, trellises and did some major pruning! Most of our tomato plants were purchased due to our transplants dying but our 2nd round of cherry tomato transplants have all survived and are on their 3rd leaves, at least they don't take as long to mature.  I think our spinach and lettuce are starting to grow, still hard to tell though.  We caged in our lettuce square with chicken wire.  Swiss chard transplants are doing well, we lost a few but enough survived.  Our peppers seem to be doing well.  Do we have carrots?  There is a weed we get here that looks like a carrot seedling, so I am leaving those until I know whether they are carrots or weeds.  I hope they are carrots....

our potatoes are growing and just hilled

our lettuce in containers is doing great!

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