Review of Documentary The Corporation and a Link to Watch it
By JULIE - 6:02:00 PM
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Click Here to Watch the film on Hulu |
My purpose for this blog is to share what I learn about health, self-sustainability, green living, as well as to share my nutrition packed recipes and methods of making more meals from scratch in less time, and to share in my learning how to grow as much food as possible in our tiny city lot. Or in a nut shell, sharing our adventures in learning how to live a more self-sustaining lifestyle and why it is important.
Interestingly, the documentary movie I just watched "The Corporation" by Mark Achbar Jennifer Abbott, and Joel Bakan, does touch on a lot of themes that are related to this blogs mission, but also touched on other themes outside the subject matter of this blog. It's funny how everything is always connected.
The movie looks at the role of the corporation as an entity. Since a corporation is an entity it is separate from the people who make up the company, and therefore has limited liability. Therefore this documentary explores what happens when companies have no accountability. They had Dr. Vandana Shiva, founder of Navdanya and world renowned seed activist on discussing GMO (genetically modified organisms) seeds, the environmental impact of companies toxic waste, and the suppression of the negative report on the bovine growth hormone rBST used to increase milk production. Some themes that were covered in this documentary that are not on topic for this blog were the history of the corporation as an entity, Bolivia's rejection of the privatization of their water by an American company, roles of companies such as Ford, IBM, and Coke Cola in Nazi Germany (they created Fanta for the Nazi's). They also had interviews with interesting people such as Noam Chomsky, and Milton Friedman, and Michael Moore.
I thought this was a very interesting movie, I recommend watching it. You can watch it here on Hulu for free. Or you can read the book version, The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, by Joel Bakan.
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Click Here to View Other Documentary Reviews and Links to Watch