
Video Tour of Our Zone 4a Square Foot Garden 2014

By JULIE - 8:00:00 AM

Garden B Oct 1 2014
I normally do post on our garden twice a month during it's peak and once a month the rest of the gardening season, but I think going forward I'll only do a few posts a season.  I plan to post during the start, middle, and toward the end of the season.  This year for our end of season garden posts I've split it up into 3 posts What We Plan to Different Next Year In Our Garden, What Worked For Us In Our Garden This Year, and this post will conclude our garden posts for the season with a video tour of our garden.

I like to always post a video garden tour every year because I feel pictures just don't truly capture what our garden looks like.  And I not only want to share the full picture of what our garden looks like, but it helps me to remember what our garden looked like for planning next year's garden.  I've found this is the best time of year to plan your garden for the next year, because you still have a visual and everything is still fresh in your mind.  When do you usually plan your garden?

Check out my garden video tour on the video below.  I didn't make any commentary, because I hate hearing myself on video.  :)  But the video from last year below does and our garden is rather similar to last year.

Our Front Yard Garden Tour Sept 30 2014 (5 min) 

Check out how our garden compares to our garden last year 

 Our Front Yard Garden Tour Sept 13 2013 (10 min)

Don’t forget to “likeus on Facebook.  Let’s be friends on Pinterest and we can follow each other on Twitter and Google Plus.  And check out my other blog OhYou Crafty Gal.

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